Saturday, June 13, 2009


It's summer- the time for bathing suits, days at the beach, tan skin and blonde hair? Blonde hair- yeah that's right. I screwed up. I'm a natural brunette, but every summer I like to dye my hair a different color. Throughout the school year, I keep up with it as well- dying it different shades of brown. This summer, I tried to be a blonde (to see if they really do have more fun). So far, what I've found out- is that they don't! I dyed it and now it is turning a golden light orange color. What's up with that?! I was thinking about doing a few lemon-juice and sunlight treatments. I mean it's nice and bright now that its summer. I was also thinking about adding some brownish (very light) hi-lights and lo-lights to my hair. I don't know, email me or reply to what you think I should do. Peace out.-- Silver Text <3

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Hey, I haven't written since March, I know. I have a dilemma today though! My sister is graduating from High School tomorrow, and I don't have a single outfit. When I say not a single one, I really mean it. My room looks like an cheesy teenage movie- clothes are all over my room. I've tried on my entire closet. I don't know what to do. I tried looking in my moms closet (because we both wear a size 2) and still nothing. My sister is going to be pissed if I'm not dressed up, but I don't have clothes. She threatened to kill me, yet won't let me borrow her clothes? Yeah, I don't know what her problem is. I was thinking a cute dress with a sweater, but I don't have any ones that look good. Then I moved onto skirts- NOTHING. Does anyone have any ideas? Please let me know. Peace out. --Silvertext <3